Your first appointment includes a comprehensive assessment of your current concerns and time to discuss your medical history to better understand how this medicine can treat your whole self, followed by a custom designed acupuncture treatment. Upon scheduling your appointment, you will receive an email with a link to fill out in-take paperwork.
For patients new to Grounded Acupuncture, who are interested in Chinese herbs. In this consultation we will discuss your chief complaint, while also investigate current state of all areas of your health to guide prescription of a custom formula comprised of Chinese herbs. All formulas are created by a trusted herbal pharmacy with quality assured processing.
For patients new to Grounded Acupuncture, who are interested in Chinese herbs. In this consultation we will discuss your chief complaint, while also investigate current state of all areas of your health to guide prescription of a custom formula comprised of Chinese herbs. All formulas are created by a trusted herbal pharmacy with quality assured processing.